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Once you have booked your ceremony, the process of getting married is quite simple and I will provide you with all of the legal paperwork you require.


You are required to complete a “Notice of Intended Marriage” form, at least 1 calendar month before you want to get married

but this can be done as early as 18 months before your wedding day.You will need to provide your original Birth Certificate and/or Passport for each of you; also a Driver Licence or other photo Identification if you don't have both.


Notice of Intended Marriage form 


If you want to marry in one month and want to sign your 'Notice of Intended Marriage Form' to give 1 months notice and an apointment with me isnt possible, you may sign with a local JP or Police Officer in your area. You can then scan the signed NOIM form to me and your 1 months notices will start from that date.  Contact me for further details. 


Shortening of time


You may be able to marry earlier than 1 months notice if you have a specific reason. 


There are  five circumstances in which an application for shortening of time may be considered. 

These are limited to:

• employment related or other travel commitments

• wedding or celebration arrangements, or religious considerations

• medical reasons

• legal proceedings, or

• an error in giving notice.


Please contact me for further details, this is generally a quick process, normally granted same day as requested, by a Magistrate of a local court house.  I have done many of these and helped couples with the process of 'Shortening of Time'.















Marriage Celebrant  Victoria Langham 
Hunter Valley/ Newcastle/ Maitland
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